Dhyana and Fred Kluth
Spirit Keepers of the Womb and Hara Mysteries
For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult task entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
-Rainer Maria Rilke
Are you willing to journey within to make a commitment to a life of love, kindness and openness in your relationship?
Descend into the essence of your spirit, nurture your root needs and liberate your soul purpose to live your life to the fullest.
Are you willing to open your heart fully so you can be a healthier more loving partner? Feel what it’s like to reach a balance within yourself that allows your Shakti to flow throughout your being and to connect authentically with another.
Womb and Hara Awakening helps you remember the Path of Love. We help you find your own light and illuminates your own authentic way of being in order to fully embody into this incarnation and connect with your soul's intention. Experience life beyond the wounds you've inherited and experienced in this lifetime. Learn how to dissolve and release old programming. Map new pathways to joyful liberation. Ride the edge of that wave between where you've been coming from and where you are evolving toward with loving grace.
Discover how experiences have served your evolution in Love. Integrate the alchemical gold waiting for you as you embrace all that you truly are each time you descend into the depths of unexplored terrain. Pain and confusion and despair can be blinding and the frustration of being in the downward spiral of a Dark Night of the Soul - as individuals or as partners - can feel so lonely. As you learn to recognize and surrender to these cycles you will master with wisdom the peace of this cyclical flow of release, renewal and rebirth. You have followed the threads, and can re-weave any torn fabric of your experience. You are here because you have heard the call to return to Love. Through alchemical embodiment and relational healing you will experience Sacred Union within and in all relations, a deeply embodied balance of flowing energy and an awakened connection to honoring the divinity within you and all Life.
This is even bigger than your journey. As you do the work of healing your relationships, you become part of the rebirth of humankind.
Descend into the essence of your spirit, nurture your root needs and liberate your soul purpose to live your life to the fullest.
Are you willing to open your heart fully so you can be a healthier more loving partner? Feel what it’s like to reach a balance within yourself that allows your Shakti to flow throughout your being and to connect authentically with another.
Womb and Hara Awakening helps you remember the Path of Love. We help you find your own light and illuminates your own authentic way of being in order to fully embody into this incarnation and connect with your soul's intention. Experience life beyond the wounds you've inherited and experienced in this lifetime. Learn how to dissolve and release old programming. Map new pathways to joyful liberation. Ride the edge of that wave between where you've been coming from and where you are evolving toward with loving grace.
Discover how experiences have served your evolution in Love. Integrate the alchemical gold waiting for you as you embrace all that you truly are each time you descend into the depths of unexplored terrain. Pain and confusion and despair can be blinding and the frustration of being in the downward spiral of a Dark Night of the Soul - as individuals or as partners - can feel so lonely. As you learn to recognize and surrender to these cycles you will master with wisdom the peace of this cyclical flow of release, renewal and rebirth. You have followed the threads, and can re-weave any torn fabric of your experience. You are here because you have heard the call to return to Love. Through alchemical embodiment and relational healing you will experience Sacred Union within and in all relations, a deeply embodied balance of flowing energy and an awakened connection to honoring the divinity within you and all Life.
This is even bigger than your journey. As you do the work of healing your relationships, you become part of the rebirth of humankind.
Womb Awakening as an Embodied Spiritual Path -essay written by Dhyana Kluth
Within our genetic treasure chest lives vast spiritual and biological potential that remains dormant- but we have the power to reawaken and reclaim these incredible potentials and become chalices of living light.
— from the book ~ "Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life" ~ by Seren and Azra Bertrand
— from the book ~ "Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life" ~ by Seren and Azra Bertrand