Reverend Dhyana Jalande Kluth, Woman Who Runs With Song, is a Helix Healing Minister, Shamanic Practitioner, Womb Awakening Mentor-Teacher-Priestess trained in Depth Psychology, Jungian Analysis and Dreamwork, Buddhist Psychology and Meditation, Core Wound and Energy Healing (laying on hands), Sound Resonance Healing, Mayan, Toltec, Inca and North American shamanic traditions, Herbalism and Womb Awakening. She follows her inner intuitive threads and the guidance of her biological indigenous Celtic, Filpino, African, and South/Central/North American ancestors as well as the non-biological ancestors calling her to share the medicine of her Respected Teachers.
Dhyana offers private womb healing sessions, past life regression, soul retrieval, intuitive guided shamanic healing drum journeys. and general counseling. Initial sessions consist of gentle nurturing communication and the development of trust, healing and re-connection to your inner selves at different stages of development from pre-embryo to adulthood in all lifetimes.
Dhyana lives in New Jersey with her beloved and two daughters, facilitating workshops and deep psyche rebirth with love, healing songs, drum journeys and womb awakening alchemical embodiment practices as Spirit wills.
Dhyana offers private womb healing sessions, past life regression, soul retrieval, intuitive guided shamanic healing drum journeys. and general counseling. Initial sessions consist of gentle nurturing communication and the development of trust, healing and re-connection to your inner selves at different stages of development from pre-embryo to adulthood in all lifetimes.
Dhyana lives in New Jersey with her beloved and two daughters, facilitating workshops and deep psyche rebirth with love, healing songs, drum journeys and womb awakening alchemical embodiment practices as Spirit wills.
Devoted to restoring balance within and without, healing core, ancestral and epigenetic wounds, and opening hearts to invite joy and beauty into the world.
She walks the Path of Love with Fred Kluth, as well as in collaboration with Womb Priestess CarolMarie Fiorito-Borowsky and WombAwakening NYC. Dhyana holds monthly sacred space for mothers in her community, to bring the healing balm of the Divine Feminine to women and their families, and to all in her local community and the greater world and multi-verse.
Through the fire of sacred intentions, the seeds of Love are scattered to nourish and allow all life to flourish.
Read Dhyana's blog post about being called into ministry:
Sharing The Medicine: The Journey Back to Innocence From a Life of Tragic Loss and Trauma
Sharing The Medicine: The Journey Back to Innocence From a Life of Tragic Loss and Trauma
The seeds for the Womb and Hara partnership were planted throughout Dhyana and Fred Kluth's individual young lives and began to germinate when they finally met in 2001. Then, after almost two decades of gestation in their womb and hara, during years of training to support their mission, their collaborative ministry was finally birthed through the portal of Womb Awakening, through the journeys experienced with the online and in-person teachings and apprenticeship transmitted by Dr. Azra and Seren Bertrand. Embodiment is the key.
Dhyana is devoted to continuing the deep work with Fred Kluth to integrate the balm received when the loving Divine Feminine is brought into balance within our selves/cells and within all our relationships. The embodiment of these reverberating alchemical practices serve to support her ongoing mission to bring our selves/cells and the world into balance and health. Womb and hara awakening practices facilitate a safe and effective accelerated depth psychology and healing journey back into the body, with a gentle embrace of life.
Dhyana is devoted to continuing the deep work with Fred Kluth to integrate the balm received when the loving Divine Feminine is brought into balance within our selves/cells and within all our relationships. The embodiment of these reverberating alchemical practices serve to support her ongoing mission to bring our selves/cells and the world into balance and health. Womb and hara awakening practices facilitate a safe and effective accelerated depth psychology and healing journey back into the body, with a gentle embrace of life.
Explore and tune in to what feels right for you and what is calling you at this particular time on your path.
Dhyana shares these insights about Womb Awakening and her personal experience:
What is Womb Awakening? It is turning on the light of primordial creation present in every cell in our body - and especially nested in the womb and hara creative centers. The energy of the universe that animates us and flows through us becomes stagnant, dormant or completely shut down as experiences, minor or major traumas, become somatically encoded in our bodies. Our response to fear is to become frozen and paralyzed when we cannot run and flee the terror that haunts us - either subtly with energetic or verbal attacks or in extreme cases of physical violence and sexual abuse that cross physical boundaries in devastating ways. The many Womb Awakening practices gathered from world lineages throughout time and space all serve to bring us back into harmonious balance with nature and the universe, within and without.
Whether you are male or female, are spiritual or not, work privately or publicly, practice mindfulness, somatic therapy, psychotherapy, yoga, have a ministry or other service offering or not, you may find it appealing to consider delving into the spirals of the Fountain of Life Womb and Hara Awakening Apprenticeship.
Intimately learn about core wound depth psychology and the nuances of healing epigenetic wounds and current-life traumas via the ancient teachings of the many lineages of this planet throughout time. I’ve described the experience of these teachings as “depth psychology accelerated”.
The teachings offered take you on a first-hand experience through ancestral lifetimes of learning, through your personal and collective memories, to ultimately receive directly felt instructions on how to repair the rift in the fabric of this existence we are all threads of. Mostly, the information is not new and many bits can thankfully can be found sprinkled here and there throughout many healing and spiritual modalities being explored and taught now. I will share that I found the insights and practices I experienced with Womb Awakening to be complete, a culmination of worldwide shamanic feminine practices from many cultures weaving together to restore life on the planet. The experiences were combined with historical reference and research as well as modern medical knowledge and the current science behind how and why these practices work. The most important ingredient for healing is that the work is offered and held with continual integrity, clarity of vision and unconditional love in a sacred space where we and our shadows can inhabit and feel safe enough to be seen and pieced together, welcomed back into our hearts, mirrored to each other and mended whole again.
By awakening the creative seed space within, the Womb and Hara Awakening guides us to tune into the ancient wisdom contained deep within, and open doorways to other realms of knowledge for healing purposes, and to find ourselves balanced in the masculine and feminine energies of Love.
Whatever your history, interests, wound trigger or particular journey or calling, there is something here for everyone. Even if you don't plan to practice therapy or develop any kind of healing practice, or just want to learn how to live in this world more easily with others, or if you feel that you haven't opened up to the full potential of what you were born to do, this journey may be calling you back home.
The work can be conveniently done in the safety and comfort of your own home, with daily practices and guided journeys, and a Womb Awakening guidebook with tremendous wisdom gathered through direct gnosis and thorough research for ongoing reference and practice of you buy the book. I like to return to specific guided meditations and journeys time and time again, and am still catching up on reading my book list. You may desire to continue onward and train with an immersive retreat to become a teacher of Womb and Hara Awakening if you choose to - or to drop deeper into personal healing with the magic that can happen in a guided group setting.
If you are interested or curious, please read more details about the next Womb Awakening Teacher Training Retreat here:
~ WATTR (7-day journey)
What is Womb Awakening? It is turning on the light of primordial creation present in every cell in our body - and especially nested in the womb and hara creative centers. The energy of the universe that animates us and flows through us becomes stagnant, dormant or completely shut down as experiences, minor or major traumas, become somatically encoded in our bodies. Our response to fear is to become frozen and paralyzed when we cannot run and flee the terror that haunts us - either subtly with energetic or verbal attacks or in extreme cases of physical violence and sexual abuse that cross physical boundaries in devastating ways. The many Womb Awakening practices gathered from world lineages throughout time and space all serve to bring us back into harmonious balance with nature and the universe, within and without.
Whether you are male or female, are spiritual or not, work privately or publicly, practice mindfulness, somatic therapy, psychotherapy, yoga, have a ministry or other service offering or not, you may find it appealing to consider delving into the spirals of the Fountain of Life Womb and Hara Awakening Apprenticeship.
Intimately learn about core wound depth psychology and the nuances of healing epigenetic wounds and current-life traumas via the ancient teachings of the many lineages of this planet throughout time. I’ve described the experience of these teachings as “depth psychology accelerated”.
The teachings offered take you on a first-hand experience through ancestral lifetimes of learning, through your personal and collective memories, to ultimately receive directly felt instructions on how to repair the rift in the fabric of this existence we are all threads of. Mostly, the information is not new and many bits can thankfully can be found sprinkled here and there throughout many healing and spiritual modalities being explored and taught now. I will share that I found the insights and practices I experienced with Womb Awakening to be complete, a culmination of worldwide shamanic feminine practices from many cultures weaving together to restore life on the planet. The experiences were combined with historical reference and research as well as modern medical knowledge and the current science behind how and why these practices work. The most important ingredient for healing is that the work is offered and held with continual integrity, clarity of vision and unconditional love in a sacred space where we and our shadows can inhabit and feel safe enough to be seen and pieced together, welcomed back into our hearts, mirrored to each other and mended whole again.
By awakening the creative seed space within, the Womb and Hara Awakening guides us to tune into the ancient wisdom contained deep within, and open doorways to other realms of knowledge for healing purposes, and to find ourselves balanced in the masculine and feminine energies of Love.
Whatever your history, interests, wound trigger or particular journey or calling, there is something here for everyone. Even if you don't plan to practice therapy or develop any kind of healing practice, or just want to learn how to live in this world more easily with others, or if you feel that you haven't opened up to the full potential of what you were born to do, this journey may be calling you back home.
The work can be conveniently done in the safety and comfort of your own home, with daily practices and guided journeys, and a Womb Awakening guidebook with tremendous wisdom gathered through direct gnosis and thorough research for ongoing reference and practice of you buy the book. I like to return to specific guided meditations and journeys time and time again, and am still catching up on reading my book list. You may desire to continue onward and train with an immersive retreat to become a teacher of Womb and Hara Awakening if you choose to - or to drop deeper into personal healing with the magic that can happen in a guided group setting.
If you are interested or curious, please read more details about the next Womb Awakening Teacher Training Retreat here:
~ WATTR (7-day journey)
Seren Bertrand
Dr. Azra Bertrand
Susana Tapia Leon
Irma Startspirit Turtle Woman
Barbara Crosby
Julie Winter
Jon Child
Donna R. Frankel
Susan Lemak
Hugo Lilienfeld
Maria Cipriani
Joan Poelvorde
Warren Falcon
Jack O'Brien
Craig Noel
Claudia Hill-Sparks
Vernon Foster
Steven Blue Horse
Ronald James Burtnett
Gypsy Marpessa Dawn Menor
CarolMarie Fiorito-Borowski
Karma Cloud
Fred Kluth
Vivian Kluth
Charlotte Kluth
Mary Magdalene
Mary Isis
Shirdi Sai Baba
John David Lentz
All the plant and tree people
All the crystal people
All my ancestors
Seren Bertrand
Dr. Azra Bertrand
Susana Tapia Leon
Irma Startspirit Turtle Woman
Barbara Crosby
Julie Winter
Jon Child
Donna R. Frankel
Susan Lemak
Hugo Lilienfeld
Maria Cipriani
Joan Poelvorde
Warren Falcon
Jack O'Brien
Craig Noel
Claudia Hill-Sparks
Vernon Foster
Steven Blue Horse
Ronald James Burtnett
Gypsy Marpessa Dawn Menor
CarolMarie Fiorito-Borowski
Karma Cloud
Fred Kluth
Vivian Kluth
Charlotte Kluth
Mary Magdalene
Mary Isis
Shirdi Sai Baba
John David Lentz
All the plant and tree people
All the crystal people
All my ancestors