What is Sacred Union - and Womb Awakening? In short it is the union of feminine and masculine - the union between two people and/or the union of feminine and masculine qualities within a person. The male and female dynamic energies are found in all life - merged together they are catalysts for the birth of life.
We all have a masculine and a feminine side. These sides are in a constant dance within ourselves. Sometimes we repress one side and the other dominates. This causes for a lot of inner conflict. When we can embrace and drop some of our preconditioned beliefs, we allow the full spectrum of who we are to come online and find ourselves within a frequency of balance and bliss where our unified life force shines and flows and creates freely and uninhibited.
Womb Awakening is an activation of and initiation into the natural primordial flow of the feminine creative life force energy that lives within our womb and hara. It is allowing this feminine chalice to receive the descending flow of feminine energy and overflow with the living elixir of love into our every cell and expand outward into the universe, our energetic umbilical cords connecting us with all of life and all that is Love -the fabric of existence which is woven throughout the multiverse. Womb Awakening practices heal and clear our bodies so that we feel safe enough to return to this nest, so we can feel truly free and unburdened by the shackles of our traumas, shame, personal and ancestral belief systems that bound and blocked us from living within our bodies. It is awakening to our life mission - to embrace life within this body on this planet and all its sensual gifts and experiences and birthing potentials.
Womb Awakening is reconnecting to the Divine Feminine in everything. Returning to the knowledge of Her presence in all, throughout time. Uncovering and decoding and reweaving the original fabric torn by the skewed lense of fear and the patriarchy of the last 5000 years… and restoring the feminine language of a loving mother giving birth to life.
We developed our ministry and this Womb and Hara collaboration because we are passionate about Womb Awakening and Sacred Union as a way to heal ourselves and the world we live in.
We teach how to deepen our relationships to each other by softening, opening and deepening our relationship to ourselves, by descending the flow of energy from our mind into our wombs and haras. Sacred Union Womb Awakening practices help people attune with the sacred within themselves and in Nature. Through this work, we are able to reconnect with the creative life-force energy of the divine feminine, we bring balance and harmony to our typically dominant masculine energy, and thus open to a greater capacity to feel empathy for ourselves and others, to love and to be connected to ourselves and to our loved ones and how we care for each other and the planet.
In order to extend our love outward we need to feel love within. Womb Awakening Sacred Union workshops and personalized one-on-one sessions gently dive into the center of ourselves and the awareness that we are unconditionally loved. The practices, as taught by Dr. Azra and Seren Bertrand, quickly melt through generational layers of conditioning that split us from the authentic truth of who we are, and dissolves the obstacles that keep us fearful and disconnected from engaging directly with life.
There are a lot of practices in this work that help connect us with our womb or hara consciousness. An example of one of these beautiful, loving and powerful Womb Awakening practices is one where we return to the womb guided by a shamanic journey using imaginal exercises to travel back through our life to the time when we were in the womb space, and then we step back into the time before we were conceived. This is the void where we all come from. In our culture we are programmed to see this dark void as something frightening. In the definition of color black is the combination of all light as is this void. This is the great cosmic womb and in this place we can release all of our pain and suffering. When we travel back to our present day, and awaken, we have more capacity to love and our burden may be a little less. The shakti energy will flow more and we can be more present in our lives. It isn’t easy to trust ourselves, to let go and become fully ourselves, to show each other, our friends and the world who we truly are.
Womb Awakening helps us to unravel, to let shakti flow as nature intended, reclaim our essential beautiful wild natures and open to the feminine realm of infinite creative birthing power - whatever your sexual identity. This is what the world needs - our love.
Our internal and external conflicts stem from the split between our intrinsic spirit - who we are meant to be - and the external appearance of who we are expected and conditioned to be. But when we risk being judged and fall backwards into the feminine dimension, we allow our light to shine out into the world.
The alchemical process of embodiment occurs as we bring the sacred feminine energies into balance with our masculine energies within, and opens us up to the beautiful energy which flows naturally from our center into relational healing as we embody - and feel ourselves loved by - the Divine Feminine in her myriad manifestations throughout time.
Are you ready to call the Priestesses of Isis down to you? Are you ready to meet the energies of Yeshua and Mary - and any other of the world lineages waiting to meet you on the other side of the bridge? Are you ready to be brought into their sacred embrace? Held within their womb space in order to find Love and Sacred Union.
Are you ready to drop down into the true meaning of your life, are you ready to find your true purpose? Are you ready for more?
We have walked the path with our ancestors and we have found our way to the promised land: the space inside our heart and womb and hara where we can see clearly the beautiful divine nature of our sisters and brothers as we walk this path together. Join us as we celebrate the Mother Womb spaces. Tap into your natural knowledge and drop all the armor and pretenses. Celebrate the ongoing upheaval as we remain open to the path of Great Love.
How do you know if the Womb and Hara Awakening practices are working?
The sex is better! The veil of self-protective withholding, animosity, anger and despair fade into a deeply embodied sense of connection through the heart and womb into a unified space of being and co-creating with ecstatic waves of pleasure.
As parents, the differences in our lives as a family are numerous and beautiful when we are immersed in the balanced frequency of sacred union between masculine and feminine energies. Without all the self-protective triggers and interference, we can be present for all of our big feelings - and theirs - and flow through that fire to the other side without explosions of anger, fear or lingering resentment and trauma.
What greater gift to give our children than to reduce the amount of trauma, conflict, confusion and shame they experience by taking care of ourselves in this deeply embodied way?
We are less likely to fall into “trauma vortexes” or withhold love or suppress their light. If and when we do still become triggered, we are conscious and aware and can navigate through our feelings without off-loading any anxiety onto our children or each other or quickly apologize and talk about it if we get messy as humans do. This is also usually a wake-up call that we’ve fallen out of balance and need to reconnect and find our balance within and with each other again.
What have been the greatest challenges to this work - individual or as a couple?
Dhyana: Every journey is different and personal for every individual and every couple. Depending on the trauma we hold in our body and the resistance we have to opening, the process can be a gentle blossoming or a bit of a roller-coaster, or a combination of both. Some of the hardest moments of working with opening this awareness in my body occurred when faced with deep-seated fears or feelings that are difficult to face and sit with - either within myself or holding that space for my partner. In those situations it helps to can ask myself or my partner: Are you okay to just be with this feeling? Or I have asked for space - or demanded a boundary - if it didn’t feel safe or okay to be present with my partner as he or I process some deep personal stuff that is wanting to surface, be seen and be released. Another point in my personal journey in Sacred Union with my beloved that was very difficult and sad was when we just weren’t on the same page and the relationship didn’t feel like a partnership - we were almost living in two different universes. This was incredibly painful - and felt like such a loss of potential, and those days were filled with darkness and grief and seemingly irreparable despair. My mentor gave such great advice then: Move closer. In gently opening and being vulnerable and sharing my truth, I was able to extend a tentative thread that bridged the divide and the gap diminished little by little over time as we kept returning to this space of listening and embodying and feeling ourselves supported by and connected with the Divine Feminine, and moving our shakti and awakening our being with the practices and journeys.
Fred: I think one of the most challenging things to learn is that this process, really any process where we are having to dig deep into our pain and witness our shadows, takes a lot of work and trust. I needed to learn to give my partner space to do this and not try to fix her or think that there was something wrong with her. Just be a witness to it, help her when she needed it and not try to fix it, offer advice, or any of that. As a man, it’s in my learned nature when I see someone suffering to try to offer solutions, or man-splain it. I think it was a big learning to not only to be able to learn to give Dhyana space to explore her feelings but be okay with it, not afraid of it. To trust in this process and know that she's not only going to come through it, but she will come through it with more wisdom and a deeper capacity to love herself and her family. This in turn gives me permission to do the same for myself. To stop pushing away my feelings and experience them.
How do you know whether or not to stay in relationship with a partner, how do you know for sure it’s a Sacred Union or time to break it off?
As you heal and open to loving yourself and honoring your life deeply, you begin to tune into what is supporting life in the world and what isn’t. This makes it very easy and clear to know when you are being abused or dishonored. That is not to say that even then it is time to break off a relationship - but you will find you are able to articulate your boundaries and needs in clear and loving ways that your partner can then respond in more loving and open ways rather than defensive divisive ways. When we are connected to our womb and hara, we tune into the feminine dimension of connection rather than separation. Both partners become less guarded and defended and begin to dance a beautiful life-affirming, life-giving tango together rather than an offensive-defensive check-mate stand-off. And it may turn out to be that the healing has happened and taken its course in your union together. Sometimes it is time to move on and that a particular relationship turns out to be a healing stepping stone for both of you. It may be that you both come to see that your paths are meant continue on in different directions at some point. The difference in the experience of being attuned to your womb and hara is that every action is done in service of love and nurturing life, even if that means ending an intimate relationship.